Saturday 20 December 2014

தோழர்.சித்து சிங் அவர்களுக்கு நமது அஞ்சலி . . .

CHQ is extremely shocked to inform that com. Chhiddhu Singh, a veteran leader, as well as the former Assistant General Secretary of our Union, has passed away today, due to heart attack. His funeral is taking place today evening. CHQ leaders are attending the funeral. We dip our banner and pay our respectful homage to the departed leader. We also convey our heartfelt condolences to the family members, relatives and friends of com. Chhiddu Singh.
CHQ leaders pay last respects to com. Chhiddu Singh.
CHQ leaders paid their last respects to com. Chhiddu Singh. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS and com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS went to com. Chhiddu Singh’s residence at Tughlakabad Extension and paid their last respects to the departed leader. They conveyed their condolences, to com. Chhiddu Singh’s son. Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, Patron and com. R.S. Chauhan, Organising Secretary (CHQ) went to the Nehru Place crematorium, where com. Chhiddu Singh’s body was cremated and paid their last respects to the leader.

மறைந்த தோழர்.சித்து சிங் அவர்களுக்கு நமது மதுரை மாவட்ட சங்கம் தனது அஞ்சலியை உரித்தாக்குகிறது.

1 comment:

கரந்தை ஜெயக்குமார் said...

ஆழ்ந்த இரங்கலைத் தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கின்றேன்